
Hi there! Thank you for being curious enough to read a little about me.

Art entered my life at an early age when I first discovered the power of a pencil.  It was then that I found I loved to draw.  The ability to draw was and is truly a gift which did not manifest itself to the "public" until I took up fashion classes in 2014.  I must admit that creative drawings for fashion is a bit more challenging than using a pencil.

Even with my love for drawing and the desire for fashion and artistic expression, I found myself pursuing a degree in computer Application.  I had a knack for mathematics and did well with anything analytical.  As a child I also enjoyed taking apart small electronics, playing with the parts and then putting them back together.
I was a bit tom-boyish! It will be interesting how all this develops, as I explore each respective medium, and make new discoveries along my creative journey.

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